Tennessee Tourism Campaign Highlights

Through a One-of-a-Kind Kickoff Party and 8 Road Trips, We Aimed to Promote Summer Travel to Tennessee

Tennessee Tourism was launching a new summer campaign that coincided with a grant to target the Atlanta market. They knew they wanted something huge to kick off this new campaign, so we crafted the ultimate road trip meet-up, where we brought Tennessee favorites to Atlanta for a special one-night event. Complete with three Tennessee bands, whiskey and moonshine tastings, local bakers and a BBQ rib master from Memphis, this event was open to industry leading bloggers and influencers, media and PR organizations and more.

The event and subsequent road trips were featured in Tastemaker Magazine, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Travel Girl Magazine, Urban Lux Magazine and local television and radio stations. The event was a hit, and it made for the perfect sendoff for our eight travel influencers whose social and blog content also exceeded expectations.



Total campaign impressions
Kickoff event attendees
Instagram impressions



  • 117 total pins on Pinterest were created, and one was repinned 1656 times.
  • Influencers created 32 unique blog posts.
  • During the kickoff event, there were 150 live tweets, which had a reach of 330,000. This resulted in the campaign hashtag trending on twitter.

From Social Media

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