5 Hour Energy Campaign Highlights

As a part of the saturated energy drink market, 5 Hour Energy desired to build brand awareness and find a creative way to stand out with the help of Steller

To meet brand goals, Steller crafted the 'One Perfect Day' campaign—utilizing the power of our influencers to bring attention to 5 Hour Energy's Power Up Your Summer Sweepstakes. Documenting each of their one perfect days in 1 of 5 featured cities through social and blog posts, these local influencers directed consumers to the 5 Hour Energy Sweepstakes landing page, encouraging their followers to purchase a 5 Hour Energy product and enter for the chance to win their own trip!



Total Campaign Impressions
Total Reach
Earned Media Value



  • The campaign hit nearly 54M more impressions over our goal.
  • Throughout the duration of the campaign, influencers and Steller shared over 112 posts across social media and 1,110 tweets in the Twitter Chat.
  • Each of the influencers utilized a wide variety of social media features from polls and Instagram Story highlights to multi-platform sharing—creating campaign longevity.
  • Reaching over 179K through Instagram, audiences got their own taste of the 5 Hour Energy product while experiencing something unique something unique through the eyes of the influencers.
  • Justin Walter's (@atwjustin) Instagram Post was featured on Instagram's 'Discovery Page'.

From Social Media

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