I have this vague - very vague -
recollection of a school trip to
Yellowcraig. This seems unlikely as
the school I attended didn’t do trips,
but this memory is nestled somewhere
in the recesses of my brain. I
remember the approach, the pathway
that leads through the grassland to
the beach. I remember it feeling
exciting. But again, it’s an odd, out-
of-context memory. Did I really visit
this place as a kid? As all these years
on, Yellowcraig is now a favourite
walk for us. A place that’s so familiar,
I could tell you about the specific
pathways and rocks and routes
through the dunes.
, ,
There are different routes to follow
on this walk, but on those days
when there are more people
This is the point where we walk
down through the dunes to arrive
on the beach - and to this view
While I know this walk well, this is the
first time that I’ve noticed the patterns
in these rocks at the far end of the
beach. We must have walked past this spot
for years - and I’m pretty observant as I
have a thing with rocks! So how did I
miss these?
At the end of the beach,
we looped up onto the
golf course.
Having walked along the
edge of the golf course, we
headed back down through
the dunes to the beach.
Saturday 25 July 2020
East Lothian

nature | coast | exploring ♡ Harris + Bracken interiors journalist 📍Scotland

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