Are you ready for this?
Hi there, it’s been a while!
The Faroe Islands have just hit zero. Zero people
infected with Covid-19.
How incredible is that? That also means that the
country, is starting to open up internally. I have been
very busy with work, as things start to normalise
But that doesn’t mean that you guys
don’t deserve some sheep, to cheer up your monday!
The lambs have now taken over the islands.
They are everywhere. I had been driving
around looking for them, but realised that i
was constantly surrounded.
It’s a lamb-invasion!
They have so many different coats. Which one do
you prefer? My favourites are the spotted ones
with warm tones!
I am still surprised sometimes, at how they look
nothing like their mothers.
I have found that if you stand around for long
enough, their curiosity gets the better of them.
In the end they can’t help but come closer to
investigate you.
Hope you enjoyed this, I surely enjoyed spending
some time outside with these fellas.

#faroeislands #stayandwander  #weeklyfluff

goes places, does stuff, takes pictures I also make things with my hands and like to dive with sharks and fishes.

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