Lake Garda
me and
my spider
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A perfect week end with
friends on Lake Garda with a
vintage car rent by Slow Drive

The production of the Giulietta Spider,
which represented a worldwide success,
was thank to U.S. importer Max Hoffman,
who was confident of the excellent
reception that the American market will
reserved for Italian sports cars, and, in
1955 asked to Alfa Romeo to make an
completely open car, asking for 600

In 1955 Alfa Romeo made a real
competition for the construction of the
future Giulietta Spider.
The winner was Pininfarina, that was
inspired by the Lancia Aurelia B24 Spider,
he designed it with smaller sizes.
Pininfarina made a very classy and elegant
car, thinking that model will become the
symbol for the young and rich men of the
’60. In fact, the price for the small Alfa
wasn’t that cheap. In 1957 the average
salary of an employee was around 50,000
lire a month and the Giulietta Spider,well it
cost 2 million and 400 thousand lire. ( 4
years works)
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Journalist, Architect. 📍Milan 🇮🇹 Italy

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