Tips for Adventuring with Dogs
Shilshole Bay Marina
Puget Sound
All of these tips + links
to recommended
products can be found
Make sure
dogs are
Some established campgrounds have
policies on whether you can bring a
dog or not. And if they do allow dogs,
it's often a rule that the dogs must be
leashed at all times. Because of this,
always check ahead before departing
to make sure! You can also disperse
camp like we do. However, you should
still research ahead of time to make
sure the environment isn't too fragile
where a dog could cause issues.
Minotaur Lake
If you’re taking your
dog on the water,
invest in a life jacket
just for them.
Manzanita Bay
This tip is
truly the most
part of
camping with
dogs: you
MUST know
your dog and
all of their bad

When you're
in the middle
of nowhere, it
really helps to
be able to
predict and
your dog's
Sauk River Boat Launch
Hart's Pass PCT
We use this bear bell
because it has a
silencer so she isn't
jingly when she
doesn't need to be.
She also makes quite a
racket with that thing
on, which always helps
to fend off predators.
, ,
Bring extra food & water!

I always bring at least one extra
meal and keep extras in my truck
just in case! I also suggest doing this
with water by keeping a gallon jug in
the car at all times (that's a good
thing to do regardless!).
Puget Sound
To learn how to put
together an EPIC dog
first aid kit, click here!
La Push

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