thirty three
Week thirty three was a week of contrasts,
from the most gorgeous of sunset walks, the sea
gleaming, iridescent in the glowing light, to the
greyest of walks as the haar lay dense over the
Forth. So let’s start this story with a sunset…
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soak in this calm.
And then this cloudy walk, the light harsh and
cold, yet illuminating the hues within nature,
from the vibrancy of these purple rocks to the
intensity of the yellow lichen.
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moments from our garden.
And then, two walks at the ash lagoons, the
first at sunset and the second in the haar. It’s
funny looking back on these photos now that
this landscape is gripped by winter. The trees
in the next photo are stripped bare and the
undergrowth has died back, leaving only the
holly, defiant against the changing seasons.
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This grey, sullen day. I find this beautiful too.
The landscape quiet, the world beyond hidden
from view. Looking for bursts of colour and
textures against the grey. Standing at the sea
wall, watching the birds along the shoreline.
The concrete structures look particularly ugly
in this unforgiving light, as do the concrete
benches on their raised viewing platforms,
surrounded by weeds, gazing out into the
haar. My eye always falls on the litter, the
discarded bottles and cans, or worse, the
occasional smashed bottle left on the grass,
disrespecting the wildlife and the birdlife that
calls this place home.
Even on these grey days,
this place offers peace.
August 10 - 16 2020

nature | coast | exploring ♡ Harris + Bracken interiors journalist 📍Scotland

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