Sunrises and Sunsets
Around the world
Sunset in #santorini
#sunset in santorini
Is there anything more peaceful
then taking in the quiet beauty of
the setting sun? As the sun
descends below the horizon,
creating romantic shades of red
and orange across the sky, the
world has a chance to breathe in
and rejuvenate. While sunsets are
a literal end to a day, they've also
become symbols of peace,
harmony, and the promise of
renewal. Sunsets are a great
reminder to rest and reset our
hearts and minds at the end of
each and every day.
#sunrise at Phnom Penh
Sunset at #phnompenh
Sunrise at Siem Reap
Sunset at #siemreap
Sunset at #angkorwat
A sunrise or sunset can be
ablaze with brilliance and
arouse all the passion, all the
yearning, in the soul of the

There’s a sunrise and a sunset
every single day, and they’re
absolutely free. Don’t miss so
many of them.
Sunset at #oman
A time lapse video while on #cruise
Sunrise in #dubai
Sunrise in Maldives
Sunset in #maldives
Sunsets are proof that
no matter what
happens, every day
can end beautifully.
Sunset at #zanzibar
Sunset at #tanzania
Keep your face to the sun and you will
never see the shadows.
“Every sunset brings the promise of a
new dawn.”

A banker by profession and a photographer by passion. Fitness is my life, Father to two cute kids and Husband to a beautiful wife. Any kind of Music is good and I absolutely love Bollywood. Born in Mumbai but now settled in Dubai.

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