June 21 2020
this year I celebrated the Summer Solstice in
the Nature

in a place not far from home that I visit often
with my family
In the morning I went
hiking in the woods
Along the path
there were ruins of
an old “malga”.
A malga is a rural
place of the Italian
mountains where
they make cheese
later I went walking again with my cousin and her
two children
local farmers were haying and my father helped

he likes to do it every year, because it reminds him
of his childhood (his was a farmers’ family)

haystacks remind me of my childhood too, there
were many more fields around where I live and
this time of the year we spent hours jumping on
later that day there was a
runaway to catch and bring back
to the barn
I will cherish these moments forever

nature is the best healer

particularly after a long lockdown
thank you

❤️ travel, photography and my cats From Vicenza, Italy Ig: @tiakatty

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