Indian Peaks Wilderness
26 miles, 7,000 ft of
elevation gain
Running the Pawnee-
Buchanan Pass Loop
6 miles in. The pass is actually to
the right of that peak.
Heading up to the first pass of the
day, about a 2k ft climb.
There was definitely walking
involved 😆
11 miles. Heading down the pass.
Such a beautiful place to run.
15.5 miles. Time to start heading
back up!
Lots of waterfalls on the climb.
~20 miles. Back in the alpine. Still
have 1000 ft of climbing to the
...almost to the pass
23 miles. Almost home.
26 miles done!
My nutrition for the day. First time
I’ve ever run this far, so the fueling
strategy was new to me. Felt great

Designer & photographer @kylefrost on Instagram. Creative director at The Outbound Collective. ✉️

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