New Mexico 14
And the turquoise trail

“We reached New Mexico
in March, up through
El Paso on a day so clear
and cold it looked like you
could see all the way north
to the Sangre de Cristos on
the Colorado border. ...
When we saw an eagle turn
over the empty road we
stopped in a kind of ecstasy
and got out to stand on the
roadside to breathe and
turn in circles and
wave our arms.

What was this place?”

- Stephen Bodio
I, however, arrived in
New Mexico via the less
romantic ABQ.

I had booked my (business)
flight a full 8 hours early to
allow me a day to drive the
Turquoise Trail (NM 14).
The trail did not
Sante Fe
was charming.
But the highlight of the trip
was found in the roadside
town of Madrid.
His name was Pete.
Pete was an 80 year old
former ad guy from NYC
who moved to NM 30 years
ago to raise horses and
work at the local track.

He carries a 38 on his
hip and limps due to
neurological damage he
sustained when he was
thrown from the saddle
and broke his neck. He
stopped riding after the
2019 July 4th parade but is
considering a comeback.
Pete once used a golf cart
to chase down an escaped
convict. Stepping out of the
cart he faced the escapee
and crossed his arms to
reveal the 38.

The convict then inquired
“are you going to
shoot me?”

Pete responded “well,
that’s up to you.”

Pete asked me to join
him for lunch. I did.

I asked him if he
minded photos.

He said “no, people take
them all the time,
I have a look.”
Pete and me.
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