Mount Whitney
Mountaineers route
Mount Whitney
Oktober 24th 2019
Mount Whitney, the highest peak
in the lower 48th states in USA
at 14,505. We are planning to
climb the mountaineers route in
one day.
Approaching Mount Whitney
knowing you are about to climb
her is a special feeling
Alabama Hills
The two of us are exploring
Alabama hill, Lone Pine, where
many movies have been filmed
Whitney portal in day light and as
sun rises during day of climb
Watching the sun reach mount Whitney
The rockiest approach I have ever
done so far
Frozen ice falls
One gorgeous camp site
Our approach is the left gully
Almost reached the top of this
The last gully and we are faced
with these gorgeous views
Proud summit moment
Sun is setting as we are heading
down using the normal trail
The most amazing sunset as we
hike down the 99 switchbacks to
descent 6100 feet in the dark.
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