Let's do some Friday FUN FACTS,
shall we?? 
1. I'm afraid of birds πŸš«πŸ¦…
Like I'm the person who
ducks for cover when a
pigeon or seagull flies by.
And yet, I have 11
chickens... they don't freak
me out though πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
2. My daily driver is a right-
hand drive 1990 turbo
diesel Land Cruiser from
England named Lady
Edith. I wanted a Land
Cruiser for a really long
time for all of my
mountain adventures and
Sean basically found the
weirdest one for me β€” and
I LOVE IT... maybe even
more than my house?
3. If I hadn't gone to art
school, I probably would
have gone to culinary
school. I was actually
researching programs
before COVID, but that's
sort of on pause for now. I
want to revisit it again after
we're more settled in at the
new house and stuff is safe

Drop one fun fact about
yourself in the comments
so I can get to know you
better, too πŸ‘‰

Curious wanderer ✨ life on my own terms ✨ Steller ambassador πŸ”œ hitting reset in the North Cascades πŸ” πŸ“ŒPinterest w/3.8M followers

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