Part 3
You know those cities you looovvveeee to hate?

Like New York for its densely populated center
or Lagos for its insane amount of traffic.

Jakarta encompasses that for all my friends and
family in Indonesia. It’s not called the Big Durian
for nothing.

However, I love Jakarta. I’m a city girl at heart
and being in all that hustle and bustle is
something I thrive on.
It something my family could never understand.

So when I had to unexpectedly visit Jakarta on
my trip to Indonesia, I couldn’t help but kinda
get excited...
A lot of my trip was a juxtaposition of the old and new. It’s
something I love to discover about a city.
Selamat Datang Monument
I stayed at the bougie af part of Jakarta with a
beautiful view of
Yeah, I felt fancy 🥰
Despite my love for all things glitz and glam, I ended up
spending quite a fair bit of time in
Kota Tua
Kota Tua
I ended up spending a lot of time in
Jakarta History Museum
Jakarta History Museum
Formally the town hall of Batavia, it really
felt like you stepped back in time
Just like Shanghai, Jakarta placed a lot of
Indonesian flags on their historical buildings, sort
of as a a reclaiming.
A trip to Kota Tua could not happen without lunch at
Cafe Batavia
Café Batavia
Beautifully appointed and snapping away on retro camera, I
felt like a was journalist taking a break in the 1960s
Belly full and filled with wonder...
I made my way back to the glitz and glam
The End
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ig: @worldcitizen12

Classic theatre loving, picture snapping, plane hopping, storytelling TCK. NYU Alum. Currently in the Big 🍎.

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