community hashtag
Spill your secrets!

Okay, not all of them, but we know you know
about off-the-beaten-path places that deserve
to be discovered. And now is the perfect time to
share them with others in a brand new steller
story…or stories!

Let’s shine the light on #hiddengems!
Here’s how to take part in this
month’s community hashtag and get
featured on the explore page...
Create a new story (or stories) sharing a place
(or places) that deserve to be discovered and
tell us why!
Lake Sevan
Use photos and videos to create a
story that really sparkles.
And add a map to make your
#hiddengems discoverable!
You’ll also want to add the #hiddengems
hashtag, of course, to get your story featured
on the explore page. Make as many
#hiddengems stories as you like!
Kabak Beach
Share your story (or stories) with others on
Instagram stories and Twitter, and invite others
to share their own #hiddengems stories.
We’ll also be sharing our favorite stories on
steller and elsewhere, so make sure you tag
us @stellerstories so we can shout you out!
We look forward to discovering
your #hiddengems stories!

Tell your story with photos, video and text. Download free on IOS & Android.

Made with Steller

Download Steller to view and
create the world's best travel stories.