f o u r t e e n
Week two of lockdown, and we were settling
into new routines. Missing adventures, but
settling into our local walks. Getting to
know this place we live in. Which has
meant rediscovering for me as I grew up
here. But things have changed. These
lockdown weeks have granted me fresh eyes.
Walking along the sea front as the sun was
setting, the sky flaming in the distance
over Edinburgh. Gentle light over the pond
at the lagoons. Grey skies too. Bare trees
as we walked through the areas of woodland
at the lagoons. And low tide, the sea
drawn back to reveal the mussel beds that
extend out into the Forth.
, ,
This scene has changed so much over
the last nine weeks. Week by week,
we’ve watched spring unfurl in these
little sections of woodland at the ash
lagoons. Back in early April, the
trees were still bare.
Thinking about things I’ve been
grateful about during lockdown, having
a yoga space at home has been one of the
main ones. This would have been so much
harder a few years back when we were
living in Edinburgh and I was going to a
studio - and that studio was my second
home. So I really feel for people who
are missing their yoga spaces and their
teachers and these opportunities to find
calm and re-centre. It can be hard to
develop a home practice if you aren’t
used to it, and when you feel connected
to a certain space.

Also, of course, I’m grateful for yoga.
I’m grateful to have this practice to
turn to, always, but especially now.
Do you have favourite trees from the
walks you go on and the places you visit?
I have a few: there’s one as you cross
the grassland towards the dunes at
Yellowcraig. One in the woodland when
walking towards Ravensheugh Sands. A
couple at John Muir Country Park. Trees
that always catch my eye. That I will
always be drawn to photograph. And this
weeping willow is a new one for me, from
our walks at the lagoons. Wait until you
see this tree a few weeks down the line,
swaying in the breeze, its lush foliage
hovering over the water.
You’re also going to be
seeing a lot more of
these swans in the
coming weeks.
MARCH 30 - APRIL 5 2020

nature | coast | exploring ♡ Harris + Bracken interiors journalist 📍Scotland

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