featured authors
This week Steller’s very own designer
@rachelhelsby curated our Featured Authors,
and needless to say she chose a visually
striking collection of stories!

“Hey guys, @rachelhelsby here! It’s so exciting
to create these themes for you! When I see
your stories using the themes and layouts I’ve
designed, it’s a great feeling. It makes me feel
like I’ve helped you tell your story, which I love!
I’m happy to be picking featured authors this
week, full of adventure, personality, and design

Have a great week everyone!”
Float in the turquoise waters of the Dead Sea
and traverse towering slot canyons in
@jesswandering’s story about her visit to
The Dead Sea
Ever wanted to cruise around on a skateboard
but too afraid to take a tumble? @BrettConti’s
got your back with some incredible GoPro
footage from his favorite skatepark in NYC.
Pier 62 at Hudson River Park
Join @chris_parkes_ on a visit to the
dramatic landscapes of the Kingdom of
Lesotho – a mountainous country completely
encircled by South Africa. From sheer cliffs
and raging waterfalls to aerial shots and
beautiful portraits of the land’s inhabitants,
this story checks all the boxes!
Grab your helmet and join @Bayuadhit
for a bike ride to explore fields of fresh
tea leaves in East Java, Indonesia.

Calling all adventuring dog owners! Get
some helpful tips and insights on traveling
with pups (not to mention some adorable dog
photos) in @jojotastic’s newest story.
Shilshole Bay Marina
Make sure to follow and see more
stories by these incredible storytellers.

Tell your story with photos, video and text. Download free on IOS & Android.

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