featured authors
We hope your bags are packed because we
are traveling the world with this week’s
Featured Authors curated by longtime steller
community member @adingattamimi!

“With social media we are able to see many
parts of the world,” says Ading, but some parts
don’t really make it to the surface. That’s why
he wanted to highlight 5 less mainstream
places to visit. "With this pandemic we won’t
be able to visit and see those by ourselves
now,” he says, “but hope this can give you
some ideas.”
Dive into this story about Karimun Jawa island in
Indonesia for turquoise water and incredible sunsets!

Karimun Jawa island
Here’s a place that takes social distancing to a whole
new level in the stunning country of Georgia.

Ever wondered what it’s like to make the journey to the
roof of the world? Find out in this story!

To be honest, Namibia feels like a different planet with
its diverse landscapes and wildlife, and we want to go.

Do not miss this story packed with incredible historic
palaces and shrines—a not-so-hidden gem worth

Make sure to follow and see more
stories by these incredible storytellers.

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