featured authors
Highlighting authors from the steller
community every week truly is one of the
highlights of our week, and it’s so fun having
members of the community choose their faves!

This time, we asked @anakne to select
Featured Authors. Not only did she send us
her favorites, but she shared her thoughts
about each author and their story, which you’ll
read on the following pages. We just can’t get
enough of this supportive community!

Check out these stories and give these
incredible authors some extra love this week!
@saradeluigi captured my home, and I loved seeing it
through her eyes. She captured so well the essence of
this beautiful peninsula, and I love her little tips on what
to see and not miss.”

Zona Istria
“These black and white photos are so lovely, and it
shows very well that something beautiful can come out
of limitation. You just have to try to do the best with
what you have.”

“As I am craving some mountain time and an adventure
myself, these photos make me excited about future
travels and spending time in unknown places.”

South Island
“My ultimate favourite stories from Africa come from
@ladyvenom. Everything she shoots is a treat to my
eyes, and in absolutely love with the way she captures

“Had the pleasure to meet and shoot with Jordan, and his
style is unmatchable. This story is particularly special, ‘cause
it shows how much thought he puts into shooting. Every
photo tells a story, and it leaves you with a feeling.”

Make sure to follow and see more
stories by these incredible storytellers.

Tell your story with photos, video and text. Download free on IOS & Android.

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