featured authors
Between the many beautiful #mybestshots
stories and so many new creative storytellers
sharing their experiences in the app, choosing
Featured Authors is getting more and more

So this week, @kerrietucic, steller’s writer,
took over the "task," which means she’s writing
this in the third person and feeling very
awkward about it. Please enjoy these stories
and give the authors a follow!
This photographer shares her “tiny part of the
world,” and makes our hearts swell!

Did you know there is more to this historic town
outside the city? Now you do!

Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca
You don’t need to put your Eyre to the ground to
discover that this is an incredible place.

Eyre Peninsula
This story is all about the lovely anticipation we get
from planning travel, and all.the.hope.

South Tyrol
Steller’s very own Rachel has been keeping this
secret from us for too long.

Stewart Island / Rakiura
Make sure to follow and see more
stories by these incredible storytellers.

Tell your story with photos, video and text. Download free on IOS & Android.

Made with Steller

Download Steller to view and
create the world's best travel stories.