A tour to
From Ecuador 🇪🇨
Baños's City
Baños de Agua Santa is a city in
the Tungurahua province of
Ecuador and is an access road to
the Amazon basin.
You can enjoy its spectacular
climate of 19 ° C. It is known for its
access to trails in the active
Tungurahua volcano to the south
and for its mineral-rich hot springs
where we can have time to find
In the center, the Church of Our
Lady of Holy Water has paintings
depicting miracles attributed to the
Virgin Mary.
To the East, El Pailón del Diablo
and Agoyán are spectacular
waterfalls on the Pastaza River.
We must also take into account the
biosecurity measures to visit this
beautiful city, when we visit each
tourist place in this incredible city
we will have to go with our
respective masks, alcohol,
antibacterial gel and safety glasses
until we reach our respective
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