Happy Thursday, my most
favorite day of the week
because it’s when Sean (and
Lucy) comes home. His
presence in our new cabin
makes it feel so much more
like home, especially
because our laughter fills
the space so much more
than just me on my own,
talking to Diamond and
Noodle. We both value and
deserve our alone time, but
nothing quiiiite beats
having my favorite person
just a holler away.
And on the topic of the
cabin... we’re still going
back and forth on names!
Sean’s latest favorite is The
Honey Hole, which
apparently refers to an area
with lots of fish from back
in his commercial fishing
days... but to me, there’s
something dirty about it?
Like I’m sense a double
entendre, but kinda don’t
want to know either 🤣🤷‍♀️
(yes, I know it’s a restaurant
on Cap Hill, too)

Curious wanderer ✨ life on my own terms ✨ Steller ambassador 🔜 hitting reset in the North Cascades 🏔 📌Pinterest w/3.8M followers

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